Nearby Stores Android - Offers, Events, Multi-Purpose, Restaurant, Services & Booking

Nearby Stores Android - Offers, Events, Multi-Purpose, Restaurant, Services & Booking 2.8.2

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Feb 13, 2024
Alexshantox submitted a new resource:

Nearby Stores Android - Offers, Events, Multi-Purpose, Restaurant, Services & Booking - Nearby Stores Android - Offers, Events, Multi-Purpose, Restaurant, Services & Booking

Nearby Stores Android.jpg

NEARBYSTORES is an innovative mobile application and I.T solution with user-friendly interphase, designed precisely to enable businesses (both old and new start-ups) list/manage their product/services, and allows registered users view and patronize local vendors close to them.

Benefits of NearbyStores to the store owner :
  • An advanced campaign manager to target...

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