Nulling Request Rules

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Oct 25, 2023
This section is for requesting UNTOUCHED plugins/themes/scripts/ which you have purchased to be nulled so that they can benefit the whole Nullbase community.

Requesting member must have their own introduction made in Introductions here

You must have at least 20 posts (real posts, not bump or spam or not meaning replies) and must have an account that is at least 90 days old. If these requirements are not met, the thread will be sent to the trash.

Note that multiple requests by the same member that do not comply with the requirements will be sanctioned with a "5 points" warning.

The script archive must be your own resource credited to your account and already located in your Nullbase resource thread or uploaded by you in the nulling request itself. If the archive is uploaded by you, YOU MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF PURCHASE.​

We don't trust links shared on GPL sites.​

If requested a proof of purchase for the uploaded resource must be provided within three days, without it the resource will be removed as not verified.​

  • The script files must be original - untouched.
  • The script must be with all files, no partial scripts accepted
  • You must provide script files in a zip file
  • Before posting request search forum if it has any request or has been shared already.
  • Provide your requested script restrictions (needs licence key etc)
  • As per forum rules WE DO NOT patch/null/crack software

Nulling Request Template (Use this template for request)

Script name
: example name
Script language: example php, javascript, actionscript, python, .....
Encoded with ioncube: yes/no
Encoded/obfuscated with other method: yes/no
Download link : script download link
Required additional plugin : if your request needs additional plugins to work provide additional plugin links
Restrictions : which restrictions your request have (activation, licence key etc)

Any request that doesn't follow this template will be CLOSED !!


ATTENTION: Scripts downloaded from codecanyon or themeforest contain an unique identifier generated based on your account
Example: codecanyon-15455641-rise-ultimate-project-manager
Before making the nulling request and upload file to a file sharing website remove the unique identifier so your account can't be traced
Example: codecanyon-rise-ultimate-project-manager

If you comply with all these rules then open a thread here:

Please refrain from nulling any resource that has been added by a member who does not meet the nulling requirements as these will most likely be closed due to not meeting requirements.
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