Bicrypto – Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News

Trending Bicrypto – Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News v4.1.7 + All Add-ons

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4.1.7 (06/19/2024)

  • Logo and Loading:
    • Improved logo link behavior based on frontend status in the environment configuration.
    • Enhanced logo loading status for better performance.
  • Settings:
    • Patched an issue with settings hydration to ensure proper functionality.
  • Page Transitions:
    • Enhanced page transitions with a new loading status between router start and completion.
  • Trade Page:
    • Improved coding quality of the trade page ticker.
    • Enhanced the hydration of markets on the trade page.
    • Improved the order book worker for better performance.
    • Disabled transitions when changing markets to prevent unnecessary loading.
  • KYC (Know Your Customer):
    • Fixed an issue preventing KYC submissions beyond level 1.
    • Patched an issue where admin KYC approval was adding an extra approved level.
    • Improved KYC submission process to prevent the sending of unnecessary documents.
    • Enhanced the UI of the admin KYC documents card.
  • 4.1.3 (06/15/2024)

    It has not been updated yet

    4.1.1 (06/13/2024)

    • Wallet Management:
      • Added ECO (Economic Value Added) to the wallet PnL cron.
    • Patches:
      • Fixed an issue with adding new FAQ questions.
      • Resolved a problem with fetching affiliate nodes.
      • Addressed a bug when creating new roles.
      4.1.0 (06/13/2024)
    • Dark Mode: Enhanced dark mode for update details and extensions update pages.
    • UI Improvements:
      • Refined the UI of the extensions page.
      • Enhanced the activation handler on the extension page.
      • Updated the order details page UI for better user experience.
    • Descriptions: Provided detailed descriptions for all extensions.
    • Configuration:
      • Introduced a new environment configuration to set the default theme for new users.
      • Added a new environment configuration to enable or disable frontend access.
    • Cron Management:
      • Improved the cron manager to run elapsed or non-initiated crons on the first run.
      • Patched staking cron relations for better performance.
      • Improved the date format in staking crons.
      • Enhanced fiat currency cron to use Frankfurter in case of Open Exchange failure.
      • Improved the verification process of transactions in cron.
      • Added a handler to prevent transaction verification in case of invalid exchange connections.
      • Introduced a new worker for cron jobs using a repeater running on a Redis instance to offload tasks from the main thread.
      • Removed the need for crons to be added to VPS, as it now initiates the cron queue with server start on Redis instance using BullMQ.
    • Wallet Management:
      • Improved the wallet PnL calculator to include funding wallets.
      • Refined the naming convention for wallet PnL charts.
      • Enhanced wallet type and currency selector in staking management.
    • JSON Handling: Added a new JSON unescaper to handle invalid JSON data due to migration.
    • E-commerce:
      • Introduced a new page for e-commerce order details.
      • Added a new card to specify the type and details of downloadable items.
      • Changed the status of new downloadable orders to pending until a license is provided.
      • Added a new card for adding shipping addresses for pending physical products.
      • Included email details in shipping address for better communication with third-party deliveries.
      • Added a new method to assign order items to shipments directly from the order details page.
    • Error Handling: Improved error handlers and dark mode in the admin post editor.
    • Miscellaneous:
      • Patched a minor issue in the staking duration relation with the pool.
      4.0.9 (06/12/2024)
    • Introduced a new model for shipping addresses related to users and orders.
    • Added a new modal for entering shipping addresses on the product page when ordering physical products.
    • Fixed an issue where the amount was not regarded when ordering in eCommerce.
    • Added product type to product details.
    • Included new shipping address details on the order view page.
    • Enhanced the admin side to edit and view the shipping address structure on the eCommerce order page.
    • Added currency information to product cards in eCommerce.
    • Improved dark mode for the form builder and record viewer.
  • Like
Reactions: Shamskhan
4.0.8 (06/12/2024)
  • Enhanced the UI of investment plan cards.
  • Improved CORS and preflight middleware.
  • Optimized router order in API processing to handle no-param routes first in nested folders with param folders.
  • Added a transaction/wallet relationship.
  • Improved dark mode UI for ecosystem blockchains.
  • Fixed holder issue in new blog posts for users.
  • Enhanced dark mode UI for new blog posts.
  • Improved z-index positioning for ListBox.
  • Fixed input fields not allowing the first decimal to be 0.
  • Removed paranoid setting from P2P offers main page.
  • Improved dark mode for support chat.
  • Enhanced the UI of the support ticket page.
  • Added conditional rendering of the funding wallet if the ecosystem extension is active in various modules such as P2P offers, P2P payment methods, affiliate conditions, AI investments, eCommerce products, forex plans, ICO tokens, staking pools, and wallet management.
  • Introduced a new conditional renderer for form items with options related to different item selections.
  • Fixed ICO notification showing undefined symbols.
  • Patched scrolling issues in markets on trade and binary trade pages.
  • Added the ability to update all sizes of Apple icons, Android icons, favicons, and MS icons.
  • Fixed binary markets switching from practice to non-practice on market changes.
  • Split currency/pair in exchange markets management for easier filtering.
  • Updated datatable rows to show a button instead of a dropdown if only one item is left.
  • Added an alert message when viewing different investment plans if the user has already invested in one.
  • Added conditional wallet type > currency in affiliate conditions, eCommerce products, forex plans, ICO tokens, and P2P offers.
  • Fully translated the platform into Russian.
  • Improved dark mode and cancel buttons on deposit/withdraw/transfer and forex deposit/withdraw pages.
  • Enhanced dark mode on the eCommerce product page.
  • Removed default and full logos.

Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Binary Trading, Investments, Blog, News & More! v3.7.1 + 14 Add-ons​

Update 15 May 2024